“We are gonna build a life together
You and I for ever and ever
And we’ll, we’ll make babies on the beach
Under the stardust
And I’ll hear your voice come through the door
A thousand times, maybe more
And I’ll smile inside to know you’re mine
I first came across this beautiful couple through singing lessons. In the weeks leading up to the big day, I would head bayside to their rustic cottage once a week and sing my heart out practising and perfecting the song I had chosen to gift my soon to be husband.
Soon after the wedding, I traded singing lessons for pre-natal classes and had my babies in relatively quick succession. Meanwhile, Danielle my gorgeous singing teacher and her fiancé Ryan headed out on an international adventure documenting their travels in their blog Nomadic Love!
When they returned home to start their family I was delighted that they chose me to capture their love. They’re a very talented couple, Ryan is pretty handy with a camera too and there is some awesome time-lapse photography on their site check it out at www.nomadiclove.com.